Extreme 2007
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Extreme 2001 - 2007


August 7-10, 2007 Montréal, Canada

       Extreme Markup Languages®

Extreme Markup Languages® XML Paper DTD/schemas

Click to download the Extreme Markup Languages® XML Paper DTD/schema package (in .zip format).

If you cannot retrieve the file using the http protocol, you may also ftp it from ftp.mulberrytech.com/pub/Extreme.

Collected in this package are the DTD and external entity sets for a conference paper, in an XML version. Any conference papers submitted for consideration for the conference should be marked up in conformance with this DTD or one of the schemas provided.


A set of stylesheets for creation of HTML (via XSLT) and PDF (via XSLT and XSL-FO) are available for this tag set. They were used to create the 2006 Proceedings and are available in the tools section of the consolidated Extreme proceedings site.

Hints for Using the DTD

The DTD is heavily commented. Please read these comments carefully; they should answer most user questions on the DTD and on creating documents according to it. If you have any questions about tag usage or expected behaviors of tagged structures, they may be sent to .

An XML instance of an conference paper should validate against this DTD if all files are placed together in a subdirectory, and if your instance includes the declaration:

or simply

[include a pathname to the file as necessary]

This installation has been tested using a range of tools and standalone XML parsers. Given the diversity of XML editing systems, we cannot provide support for editing tools. We would, however, be interested in any feedback that could help us to refine this implementation in the future: send comments to .

XSLT Stylesheet

For proofing purposes only, we have an XSLT stylesheet to create HTML output from a valid Extreme conference paper.


  • The stylesheet works best if your document is parsed with its DTD. Bibliographical citations will appear properly and link to bibliographic entries, etc. If your HTML output is missing features you believe should be there, make sure the DTD is being resolved and parsed.
  • Graphic file formats supported in the Extreme paper document type are jpeg and PNG. Assuming entity and file names resolve properly, graphics should appear in current web browsers.
  • We have included code from Norman Walsh’s DOCBOOK stylesheet distribution to transform tables. (Both DOCBOOK and the Extreme paper use the OASIS table model.) See http://nwalsh.com/docbook/index.html for more information on this excellent resource.
  • If your document validates to the DTD, but does not "look right", assume it may be a problem with the stylesheet not the document. This stylesheet has been used fairly widely, but has not been stress-tested in every conceivable scenario. (Again, let us know.)
  • Keep in mind that papers for the conference will be typeset from the SGML and XML submitted and may appear quite different in the published Proceedings than they do using this stylesheet.
  • The stylesheet was first tested with XT, Saxon (6.0.2) and MSXML3. HTML output was been tested in NN 4.0.8 and IE5.5. Since its initial deployment it has also been tested and used in a number of more up-to-date processors and browsers.

XSL-FO stylesheet for MathML

For proofing purposes only, we have an XSL-FO transform which supports MathML in a valid XML Extreme conference paper.


The transform passes MathML through to an application for rendering.

Caution: we have tested the math with only one FO rendering tool so far.

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