Extreme Markup Languages® 2007
Paper Submission Instructions
Full proposed papers (or extended draft papers) should be submitted in XML via . (Special warnings to those submitting papers in draft are offered below.) Bibliographic references to relevant work should be provided; claims that there is no relevant published work may be cause for skepticism from peer reviewers.
Papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference. Talks, based on the accepted papers, will 30 minutes long, followed by 15 minutes for questions.
Please read and observe all the following instructions. (You may want to print this page for reference while you are preparing your submission.) If you have difficulty understanding or following these guidelines, and we will do our best to address your needs.
1. The XML DTDs and schemas
All papers must be prepared in XML using the Extreme Conference DTD, or an equivalent schema provided by us, and the explicit file naming conventions listed below. (Note that in our discussions we may refer to "schemas" in the general sense, which includes the DTD.) Please cite your file name (which is also your tracking code) in all correspondence about the paper. (See file naming below.)
The conference schemas are available at 2007/xmldtd.html, along with stylesheets useful for authoring.
All available versions of the schema describe an identical model, with only these slight variances: the DTD version allows the use of references to graphics as external unparsed entities, and includes entity declarations for standard sets of special characters. Other schema versions allow only direct (web-style) file references for graphics, and expect characters to be supported by the document's native character set.
The DTD is heavily commented. Please read these comments; they are likely to answer many of your questions. (The schema versions are auto-generated from the XML DTD, and comments are retained, though they are not so legible.) Finally, ensure your paper is valid according to one of these schemas before you send it to us. Submissions that are not valid XML:
- Reflect poorly on the author, suggesting lack of understanding or care;
- Irritate the conference committee; and
- May be returned to the author for cleanup
If you have trouble downloading a schema, and we’ll email it to you (let us know which one you want). If you are unable to create your paper in XML, please send e-mail and we will try to find someone to assist you.
Note: This Tag Set is very similar to the DTD/schema used for Extreme 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, and 2000, and preceding that, for Markup Technologies 1999 and 1998 and for SGML/XML’97. (See the change history in the DTD for details on differences.) This DTD is not, however, the same as those used for any other conference - please do not send your paper marked up with another tag set. (Those may be better in many ways, but we have the infrastructure to deal with papers using this tag set.)
2. Due Date
We must receive your submission by 20 April, 2007. Especially if your paper contains complex formatting requirements (many graphics, unusual characters, large tables, equations), we urge you to get the paper to us as soon as possible. We will notify chosen speakers and provide peer comments by 14 May, 2007. Final papers will be due 6 July, 2007.
3. Paper Contents
Abstract and Bio
Be sure to include an abstract and biographical information for each author.
If you use acronyms, please tag the first use of each as an acronym and provide the expansion. (In the form:xml Extensible Markup Language)
The schemas now support math tagged in W3C MathML (see The W3C MathML page) using the mml:math element, which can appear both in and between paragraphs and paragraph-like elements.
Use the display attribute to specify whether the math should be displayed inline or as a block. (The default is inline.)
The acceptable graphics formats will be:
The most common problem we have encounted in the past with Extreme papers is for authors to provide graphics in unacceptable formats. The weirdest case of this is when authors have created a graphic in a non-standard format (typically the proprietary form of a tool they like) and changed the the file name exension from one naming the proprietary format to that of one of the formats allowed. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, and STOPPED BEING AMUSING a long time ago.
Please provide preferred sizing of your graphics for the print version of the proceedings; if your preferred size is not 100% of the size provided, use the scale attribute to indicate how the graphic should be resized (100% is the default on SCALE).
Finally, users of the DTD version will find that both a figname and a file attribute are allowed; figname refers to the graphic as an external unparsed entity in either PNG or JPG notation (declared in a DTD internal subset), whereas file makes a direct file reference. Either of these mechanisms may be used; both need not be. (Users of a schema will find that only file is available. If using the DTD, the best reason to use figname might be to use stylesheets that expect it; second best would be due to strong support for unparsed entities in your authoring tool.)
4. File Naming
Please send the text of your paper in a file named EML2007XXXXMMDD.xml where
EML2007 |
Indicates that the submission is for Extreme Markup Languages 2007. |
Is the first four letters of your surname. If your surname is less than 4 letters, just use the complete surname. |
MM |
Is the two-digit number of the month of your birth (or of another significant date you will remember - we aren't trying to steal your identity, we are trying to create unique IDs). |
DD |
Is the two-digit day of your birth (or of another significant date you will remember - we aren't trying to steal your identity, we are trying to create unique IDs). |
For example, if your name is George Washington and you were born on July 4, and you send an XML EXTREMEPAPER instance, your filename is EML2007wash0704.xml.
Any graphics should be named EML2007XXXXMMDDNN.YYY where NN is a two-digit number, and YYY indicates the format of the graphic: .jpg for jpeg images, .png for PNG images. A zipped file containing all of your text and images should be named .
If you cannot accommodate these file naming conventions, please contact us and we’ll work something out.
5. Compression
We would prefer that all files of a submission were zipped (using a PKZIP-compatible compression utility) into one file. Name it . If you cannot do that, we'd like each file zipped. If you send your paper via email you may UUENCODE or MIME encode them. Please do not use other compression techniques, even if you know of a better compression/encoding methodology!
6. Delivery And Receipts
Papers can be delivered either via email to or via file transfer protocol. If you want to use ftp, contact us for instructions. When we receive your paper we will acknowledge it through e-mail, within one business day. If you do not receive such acknowledgment please assume your paper has gone astray and re-send or call us.
Copyright Release
All presenters at Extreme 2007 will be required to sign the NONEXCLUSIVE PUBLICATION AGREEMENT & LICENSE, which is available for review at: Extreme2007Release.pdf.
Instructions On Draft Paper Submission
Draft papers should be detailed enough to allow peer reviewers to judge the relevance of the topic, the interest of the results, and the quality and technical merit of presentation. No less than in final versions, bibliographic references to relevant work should be provided; claims that there is not relevant published work may be cause for skepticism from peer reviewers.
If the peer reviewers find that your draft paper has insufficient detail to evaluate your presentation, there will not be time for you revise your submission before the end of the peer review period. In other words: if you don't send in a paper with enough substance to be evaluated, your submission will not be accepted, however exciting may be its supposed findings.
Draft paper submissions should be marked up using the conference paper DTD (or equivalent schema) and should follow the same file naming and other conventions as full papers, described above.
This year we expect more and better papers than ever, and look forward to seeing you in Montréal!
Debbie Lapeyre Jim Mason Steve Newcomb C. M. Sperberg-McQueen B. Tommie Usdin